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이탈리아 배송 지연 안내

2025. 02. 03


상품권 서비스 재개 안내

2025. 01. 24


2025년 우체국 운송수수료 조정 안내

2025. 01. 22


패키지 체크 서비스 유료 전환 안내

2025. 01. 21
[PaysableXBuysable] 2025 시즌그리팅 무료 증정 이벤트
Dec 31

[PaysableXBuysable] 2025 시즌그리팅 무료 증정 이벤트

크리스마스 이벤트
Dec 03

크리스마스 이벤트

[블랙 프라이데이] 캐시백 이벤트
Nov 01

[블랙 프라이데이] 캐시백 이벤트

Paysable 캐릭터 공모전
Oct 21

Paysable 캐릭터 공모전

결제부터 구매, 배송까지
해외에서 걱정없이 한국 상품을 받아보세요.



한국인 판매자와의 거래,
우리가 결제해드려요

  • 365일 24시간 서비스, 5초 안에 결제 완료
  • 한국 온라인몰, 개인 판매자 모두 OK
  • 판매자와의 환불 절차도 OK



원하는 상품을 주문하면,
우리가 구매해드려요

  • 한국 신용카드가 없어도 OK
  • 영상통화, 팬사인 이벤트 참여 OK
  • 영상통화, 팬사인 윗치폼, TMM, 번개장터 상품 OK참여 OK


한국주소 제공,
합포장 서비스,
1년 보관,
전부 무료.

패키지 체크

패키지 체크

세관 케어

세관 케어



긴급 포장

긴급 포장

New Solution

오프라인 구매

  • #Pop-up Store
  • #Exhibition
  • #Photoism
offline-service offline-service

Paysable이어야만 하는 이유

  • 2015년부터 해외 대행 서비스 제공

    2015년부터 해외 대행 서비스 제공

  • 전 세계 200+개국 해외 배송

    전 세계 200+개국 해외 배송

  • 6만 명 이상의 고객

    6만 명 이상의 고객

  • 고객 중심의 서비스 제공

    고객 중심의 서비스 제공

다양한 이벤트

다양한 이벤트

지금 진행 중인 다양한 Paysable 이벤트를 만나보세요! 럭키박스부터 배송비 할인까지, 풍성한 혜택이 준비되어 있습니다.

고객의 목소리


Cancel request please

2025. 02. 10


Hello! when will my package be ready? It’s been on hold for many days

2025. 02. 04


Dear team, It's been years since I'm using the Paysable services. The improvement is crazy ! I always appreciated your services but you're growing better and better !!
I did not try the new payment system yet, but thank you for this long-awaited new addition !!!
Thank you for everything !!

2024. 09. 23


I have been using Paysable for years and they are great! Storage is "free" for one year which is good as it gives you time to pile some packages before combining them and shipping them! The customer service is relatively quick (one business day to answer your questions which is understandable) and they take all questions seriously which I appreciate a lot! The downside is that the fees can get expensive, other than the obvious Paypal fee which is really high, I do not like the fact that now for every package you want to forward Paysable charges you 5,000 won even if they can reuse the original packaging (for example for single orders) I remember that before the renewal this 5,000won fee per box was valid only for Airmail, now it applies to all packages. I also wish that, now that each package is weighed when imported, Paysable could offer an estimation based on the packages you are checking for forwarding (instead of having to use the calculator yourself), packaging is done very carefully which is great! But there have been cases where my shipping fees ended up being way too expensive because Paysable used boxes that were too big, some of them weren't even half full which was sadly frustrating. Overall it's a great company and probably the best to ship things from S.Korea!!

2024. 07. 28


The quality of service is much better than other providers.
I always rely on them, and the CS people are really nice!

2024. 03. 26


I joined Paysable recently and made delivery order just ago.
It was embarrassing to see the delivery fee discount event right after I asked for the delivery.
But the discount event was applied to all deliveries not only registered during the event, but also to all packages not sent yet. How nice!

Many proxys offer manual purchase, but it was very new to use direct payment here.
First time using the service took some time for me to understand what to do, but it became much faster from my second order.
It was pretty easy to make order and it was also good to order & forget until it is delivered to warehouse, just like what I do in my country.

I liked the packaging too, especially the free bubble wraps!
My things were wrapped firmly with enough bubble wraps for free high protection. I'm very satisfied

2024. 03. 13


I'm new to Paysable. I was struggling to pay the Korean seller since I don't have a Korean bank account, and the Direct Payment service was very helpful!!
The payment was completed within 3 min, so I could buy BTS albums successfully. Thank you for your amazing service!! I've not used a delivery service yet. However, I think that it is worth trying to use a delivery service. Thank you:)

2024. 01. 19


I have been using paysable for 3 years now and I love the service. The customer service always respond quickly and help out as best as possible. I love the new website layout as well! I believe it is very easy to navigate, if not easier to use than previous. The added benefits of writing in my own memos and the package pictures when packages are imported is super helpful. My items have always been packaged so well and very quickly - the paysable team obviously works very hard! I highly recommend everyone to paysable and their fantastic service!

2024. 01. 05


I liked that the delivery was so fast :)
I liked that the price was cheaper than other companies, perhaps because it was during a shipping discount event. May you prosper

2023. 12. 26


Thank you! I am using paysable, more than year and really thankful for your services. Packages always came in good condition and customer service center always replies as quick as possible. Only frustrating thing is huge paypal fees, hope that you can offer more payment options.

2023. 11. 27