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Paysable을 이용해주시는 고객님들의 소중한 후기입니다.

고객님들의 의견은 더 나은 Paysable을 위해 적극 반영될 예정입니다.
  • 개선이 필요해요


    2020-05-25 15:49:35

    The conversion rate shown in the bottom left under currency information is different from the conversion rate while making the payment. Make the conversion rate is transparent without any hidden charges :)
  • 좋아요!


    2020-05-05 14:44:25

    I like Paysable, everything is just nice! I hope you have a mobile app soon it would really be convenient for users instead of going to the website every time. Also, I find it that sometimes customer service tends to reply late or miss out a concern i send in but I understand if they delays due to under staff or still coordinating with other sectors. I just hope that if the matter is urgent, there is an IMPORTANT option in the inquiry so that it gets prioritized especially if involves transactions. But overall good job! I have used the service a lot and it didn't disappoint me. They also help in regards to lost parcels and incorrect addresses.
  • 매우 만족!


    2020-05-04 07:55:15

    옛날엔 한국은행을 통해 엄청난 수수료를 물고서야 한국의 계좌에 입금을 할 수 있었는데 이곳 덕분에 너무나 편하게 한국계좌로 입금거래 하고 있습니다. 감사합니다.
  • 매우 만족!


    2020-05-01 20:45:49

    정말 너무 사용이 편리하고 빠르고 신속한 고객지원에 감사드립니다!
  • 매우 만족!


    2020-05-01 20:00:01

    자주 사용은 안하지만 소액은
    정말 최고입니다.
  • 불만족스러워요


    2020-05-01 18:20:59

    여기서 자주 이용했는데 환율은 항상 바뀌는데 이 사이트 기준 환율은 안바뀌더라구요? 그냥 쓰던데라서 사용했는데 다른사이트 알게되서 비교해보니까 엄청 차이나서 놀랐어요.. 제가 이렇게 많이 떼이면서 송금했었다니 어처구니가 없네요. 원래 부모님한테 정기적으로 송금하려다가 여기 환율이 너무 심해서 그냥 송금 안했는데, 다른사이트 알고나니 송금 안하길 잘했다고 생각들어요 진짜 바가지네요
  • 좋아요!


    2020-05-01 03:52:02

    I have been using Paysable for a year now. I've tried different forwarding services before that and there was only one I liked this much but it's no longer in business. Paysable has really reasonable fees and packages things really well.
    I have nothing bad to say about either the manual or auto purchase. The fees are pretty good and the service is really easy to use.
    I'm not very fond of the exchange rate and I would prefer to pay in KRW as I have a card with that option, however, I know how downright impossible it is to make international payments to Korea without Paypal being involved and Paypal will always screw up the exchange rate.
    Every time I had any problems, I was able to resolve them pretty quickly. Some of them were due to misinformation so I think it would be a good idea for Paysable to get a proper pricing list for all their services.
  • 매우 만족!


    2020-04-26 04:15:08

    몇년째 이용중인데 아주 만족합니다. 편리하고 안전하고 그리고 무엇보다 고객서비스도 좋아요!
  • 매우 만족!


    2020-04-23 00:57:04

    I really like this site.
    Transfers to korean accounts Is very easy and quick.
    Also, the fees are really fair.
    So far I have not had any problems using paysable
  • 매우 만족!


    2020-04-17 14:40:40

    몆년간 계속 써왔고 엄청 자주 사는데 항상 빠르게 배송해주고 문제도 한번 없었습니다.