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고객님들의 의견은 더 나은 Paysable을 위해 적극 반영될 예정입니다.
  • 매우 만족!


    2022-05-26 00:29:52

    Paysable works fine for my needs here in America! As long as you have all the proper information, everything works as intended. No fuss, no problem! Cheers!
  • 좋아요!


    2022-05-02 16:04:43

    The automatic payment and manual payment services are great. The addition of PayPal as an option is incredible!
  • 매우 만족!


    2022-04-22 23:43:07

    Love the service, very useful for buying things from Korean sellers/stores! The only option I wish there was a way to change the currency you pay in e.g pay in KRW to GBP instead of USD etc! But that is something really minor! Everything else is amazing! They always pack everything so well, I can always trust them, thank you so much!
  • 매우 만족!


    2022-04-09 04:03:26

    Paysable has been nothing but wonder for me! The packaging is always done super well and transactions are carried out in a timely manner. Whenever I’ve needed help, they have always been quick to respond and help me immediately. Cant recommend enough!
  • 매우 만족!


    2022-04-05 14:49:38

    자동결제대행 없었으면 한국에서 옷 어떻게 샀을까 싶어요 요즘 네이버페이도 본인인증해야만 쓸 수 있어서 너무 난감했는데ㅜㅜ 그리고 배송대행도 특별 요구사항 하나 하나 다 들어주시고 포장도 너무 잘 해서 보내주셔서 항상 너무 감사한 마음으루 잘 쓰구 있습니다 :)
  • 매우 만족!


    2022-04-05 04:14:08

    Fast answer & good results
  • 매우 만족!


    2022-03-31 04:44:46

    I'm an happy user of Paysable <3

    I'm using all services and everyhting always went perfectly.
    The customer service team is also very kind and very good. They are always here to help.

    Thank you :)
  • 매우 만족!


    2022-03-24 18:06:03

    So far everything has gone so smoothly!! I'm very happy I chose paysable over other sites
  • 불만족스러워요


    2022-03-01 11:45:16

    너무너무 느려요. 상품권을 구매를 하는대 매번 하루이상은 걸리고 인증도 다하고 결제도 바로바로 하는대 왜이리 느린지...
  • 매우 만족!


    2022-02-25 00:33:59

    Always a solution to every issue