

✨ Review

Customer Review

These are precious reviews made by Paysable users. We reflect our customers' reviews on improving Paysable. We will do our best for better services!
  • Excellent!


    2021-01-22 07:27:13

    I will give delivery service 4 stars. at first (around May - June 2020) delivery service was super fast. it was my first packages. the shipping cost was set within 3 days after i confirm the package, but now it took more than two or three weeks for that. CS is working fast, they reply me and do all that i ask. all my packages arrived to me safe. thank you for your work, but i hope the process of merging and setting the delivery fee will be as fast as before!
  • Very satisfying! :D


    2021-01-17 08:12:57

    after my account verification, everything is going smoothly.

    thank you very much
  • Very satisfying! :D


    2021-01-16 20:32:34

    I always have an amazing experience with paysable. The purchasing process is super easy and fast. Customer service is also amazing. Thank you so much !
  • Very satisfying! :D


    2021-01-15 21:48:24

    The transfer fees might be a little high but at least the service is very reliable and always extremely fast unlike the others. Delivery service is the best I've encountered so far, thank you for packaging everything safely for a good price!
  • Need improvement


    2021-01-13 08:14:58

    I've been using Paysable for the past 6 months. I used their Auto Purchase Service and Delivery Service multiple times.

    However, their Customer Service/CS has not replied to my questions for the past 4 months. I can only imagine the number of new customers Paysable got in the past months but please communicate to us more. If answering all the CS questions will take too long, please put an announcement that everyone can read. I don't mind waiting as long as you tell us how long we should wait. I'm currently anxious about my items and have been checking your website at least twice a day. Please just be honest and tell us how long should we wait so that we don't flood Paysable with questions. Thank you.

  • Unsatisfying


    2021-01-12 03:21:43

    CS never answers my inquiries and took them over 3 months to give me my delivery quote. I constantly asked them about my quote and if there were any updates, but they never replied to any of them.

    I had sent an inquiry on January 5th, asking if I was able to add a package that had coincidentally arrived on the day of when they set my quote to my merged packages. (I applied for my quote back at the beginning of November so I thought I would at least get my packages by now before this package arrives and I could just send more stuff to my kaddy...) Shockingly, they replied within a day and asked how I would like to proceed. So, I sent them another one about how much the fees would be but it has been almost a week and I still haven't received a reply.

    I am losing my patience with them. I hope they read this and can reflect on themselves because I can’t be the only one to experience this with them.
  • Need improvement


    2021-01-11 18:08:18

    The payment forwarding service is good and fast, but the exchange rate has gotten a bit out of hand.

    But the real issue is the CS and the delivery service. I've been using paysable for a very long time. The delivery system was top-notch - fast and efficient. Same with CS. They answered questions quickly and were very helpful. Now, if you get a reply in a month you can consider yourself lucky.. We wait weeks, even months for shipping (and that's after requesting it). CS answers messages very seldomly and it's a trainwreck because people are losing money, time, and patience.

    We understand that covid has slowed things down and there are problems. Most of us don't mind waiting as long as there is communication, but we get radio silence pretty much ALL the time and it's not right. Please do better.
  • Very satisfying! :D


    2021-01-08 20:21:18

    항상 상품권 살때 잘 쓰고 있습니다.
  • Very satisfying! :D


    2020-12-28 03:20:47

    I've only used the payment forwarding service and i had registered a complaint earlier. It was addressed and it was updated. I haven't had any issue with the service that I've used. Yet to try their package forwarding service.
  • Unsatisfying


    2020-12-20 16:57:44

    They have not responded to any of my Customer Service questions or emails. I've lost money from refunded purchases because Paysable hasn't responded to any of my questions from MAY asking for the refund bank information.