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Paysable을 이용해주시는 고객님들의 소중한 후기입니다.

고객님들의 의견은 더 나은 Paysable을 위해 적극 반영될 예정입니다.
  • 매우 만족!


    2021-05-20 13:28:59

    i love paysable so much!
    i would love to have a better comunication with you, like, opening a chat or something, bit is great anyways ^^
  • 좋아요!


    2021-05-14 22:12:22

    Best proxy but i wish there is a way to reverse transaction
  • 매우 만족!


    2021-05-07 15:29:37

    한국 디지털 콘텐츠 살때 항상 무통장입금 이용하는데 큰 도움이 됩니다. 사용하기 너무 쉽고 간단해서 좋아요.
  • 그저 그래요


    2021-05-07 15:16:13

    I like the delivery process, but the inquiry is so slow sometimes.

    I've waiting for 4 days an asnwer, and I really really need your answer, but you don't reply to my inquiries.

    Please smooth your customer service.
  • 매우 만족!


    2021-05-04 08:44:58

  • 좋아요!


    2021-04-19 12:17:10

    Paysable is a lifesaver! I've only used it for the purchase service but it's been so wonderful and easy to use! I just moved back to the US from Korea 6 months ago and I was sad that I couldn't order from some of my favorite stores. My friend told me about Paysable and my life has been gloriously changed! Thank you Paysable for doing a great job!
  • 개선이 필요해요


    2021-04-18 10:32:11

    Please answer my inquiries, 2 items weren’t on my delivery package that arrived to my country.
    This is not the first time it has happened.
  • 개선이 필요해요


    2021-04-14 21:35:00

    Payment service is very good. But the forwarding service is confusing and very slow.
  • 매우 만족!


    2021-04-14 19:45:50

    I was really careful when I ordered through paysable since I've been hearing alot of negative feedbacks but I am so glad my transactions are all going well. I was avoiding the delivery service that's why i'm using a different korean address yet there was one time I forgot to include the address in the order and by default they put may paysable address. Good thing, they were very fast to respond and didn't charged me extra for cancelling and reordering my goods in order to change the address.

    I also tried their delivery service and I was surprised to receive the quote a within the day.

    thank you for your service !
  • 매우 만족!


    2021-04-10 21:40:59

    Hello Team,

    Really thank you for packing my goods well and shipping early based on my request. Very happy using the service. Thanks a lot. In future, if I use again please keep up the same good work. Fighting!!