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Paysable을 이용해주시는 고객님들의 소중한 후기입니다.

고객님들의 의견은 더 나은 Paysable을 위해 적극 반영될 예정입니다.
  • 좋아요!


    2020-09-26 21:57:22

    I really love the service you offer to people who can't buy directly to Korea. Sometimes CS is slow or they will not answer at questions even if they are made multiple times, but they always fullfill my requests! I hope the service could improve even more and I am really thankful to this company to help me to receive my things!
  • 매우 만족!


    2020-09-26 02:47:08

    분명 개선될 점이 찾으면 있을거 같은데 ㅇ미 쓰는데 익숙해져버려서 이대로가 좋은거 같아요 송금하면 바로 입금되서 좋아요
  • 불만족스러워요


    2020-09-25 16:04:53

    Not sure what happened to paysable. It was fast and good until recently, no response to shipping fee quotes and no replies to enquiries.

    Now I don't even know if I will be able to get the items I have at their warehouse.
  • 불만족스러워요


    2020-09-21 15:05:38

    Was very happy with their service, but no idea what happened to Paysable over the past 2 months. EXTREMELY disappointing. Slow responses became no response. Whatever happened to stable service after end July? It's already end of September. If you're overloaded the least you can do is to respond to your customers, and above all, STOP ACCEPTING NEW CUSTOMERS. If I don't get a response in the next few days I will consider taking action.
  • 불만족스러워요


    2020-09-21 05:06:16

    I’ve been using paysable for a year now and it was so good at the beginning. I don’t know what happened but now they rarely reply my messages and emails, do the totally opposite of what I ask and take ages to send me the link to pay for shipping. I was scammed and I’m still waiting for a reply to know if it’s possible to get my money back. I’ve been waiting for a shipping fee quote since June. I’m getting tired of this and I’ve been thinking seriously about not use this plataforma anymore.
  • 개선이 필요해요


    2020-09-21 00:55:23

    Been using paysable for almost a year now, but this is the first time that they don’t answer with my tickets anymore, been a month and half waiting for their replies and for them to give me my shipping qoute. Hope they can improve their service and at least let you know when they will be able to merge your package.
  • 불만족스러워요


    2020-09-17 16:29:24

    They don’t answer. It’s been months since they had replied me. It’s been TWO months since I’m waiting for the shippment. The worst service.
  • 그저 그래요


    2020-09-10 06:12:03

    Paysable is good, the website is very organized. It took a lot of reading for me to understand how to purchase, deposit and more. I just wish Customer Service can improve. The wait time frame for an estimated shipping fee is so long. I think Paysable needs to give a disclaimer that a customer has to wait about 7-14 days to get a quote back. None of my packages have arrived yet but Im very excited once it does.
  • 개선이 필요해요


    2020-09-04 09:41:31

    Hardly reply to any of my inquiries or emails.
    Takes too long to solve problems and it’s hard to deal with.
  • 불만족스러워요


    2020-09-02 10:54:57

    Hardly reply emails and inquiries. Hard to deal with.